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Mastering the 4Cs with our Knowledge Hub.

Welcome to our Knowledge Page, where we delve into the intricate world of diamonds to empower you with essential insights. Understanding the 4Cs – Carat, Cut, Clarity, and Colour is paramount when selecting the perfect diamond for your cherished moments. These 4 Cs are the widely accepted standard characteristics for a diamond that determine its quality and value.

They are the key components of the diamond that impact its beauty and structure. The 4C’s interact with each other within the diamond. They dictate how the diamond appears and how high quality it is. As an example, the diamond’s ability to reflect light back to your eyes depends primarily on cut quality but also on colour and clarity.


Carat: The Measure of Magnificence.

Carat, the unit of weight for diamonds, determines their size and ultimately, their visual impact. While larger diamonds may be more desirable, it's crucial to consider the interplay between carat weight and other factors to ensure a balanced and brilliant diamond selection.

Cut: Unleashing Radiance and Brilliance.

The cut of a diamond refers to its proportions, symmetry, and polish – factors that directly influence its sparkle and fire. At Dhakan Jewellers, our master craftsmen employ precision and expertise to create cuts that maximize light reflection, resulting in unparalleled brilliance and scintillation.


Clarity: Revealing Inner Beauty.

Clarity measures the presence of internal and external imperfections, known as inclusions and blemishes, within a diamond. Our commitment to quality ensures that each diamond at Dhakan Jewellers undergoes rigorous inspection, guaranteeing exceptional clarity and enhancing its innate beauty.


Colour: Capturing the Essence of Elegance.

Diamond colour is graded on a scale from D (colourless) to Z (light yellow or brown), with the most sought-after diamonds exhibiting a pure, colourless hue. Whether you prefer the timeless allure of a colourless diamond or the unique character of fancy-coloured diamonds, Dhakan Jewellers offers a curated selection to suit every discerning taste.

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